Sunday Gatherings
For the Christian of any age or stage the weekly gathering of God's people should be unmissable.
We are created to worship, we are redeemed for worship, we will be resurrected to worship. We worship as individuals in all of life (Rom 12:1) and as a people (Rev 19-22). From Eden through Mt Sinai, in Tabernacle, Temple, Synagogue and in the house churches of Acts, God’s people gathered to Worship. This includes all the people of God from the youngest to the oldest - pre-schoolers to pensioners (Ephesians 6:1).
The church, the gathering of God’s worshiping people, is also at least two other things.
First, it is God’s masterpiece for displaying His wisdom and glory to all of creation. It is the physical and eternal manifestation of the effectiveness of the blood of Jesus that has gathered together an ethnically, economically, educationally, politically and nationally diverse group of believers into one, new, unified body, who were sinners and are now saints, who were at war with each other and God but now are at peace because of the blood of Christ (Eph 2:11-3:22).
Second, the church is God’s main means by which He now blesses His people, with the gifts that He showers upon them (Mark 10:29-31 and Eph 4:4-16). The ordinary means that grow Christians are now corporately expressed and enjoyed as we gather together on Sundays (word, sacrament, prayer etc).
By including our children in our Sunday gathering we not only display the wisdom and glory of God we will also help them now and for the rest of their lives to engage and enjoy God’s ordinary means of growing them as Christians.
Because this is true we want to include our children and young people in the life of the church more and more, and this includes Sundays.
What To Expect
Find a brief outline of what to expect on a Sunday morning at Christ Church Bromley.
10:25 - Arrive
Join with the rest of the church family. If it's your first time please register your children with us so we can look after them and keep in touch with you.
10:30 - Our worship service starts
The whole church family, every age and stage together. Our time will include singing, confessing sin, praying and perhaps a catechism to learn.
11:00 - Children go to their groups
All groups have age-appropriate Bible teaching. See below for more information our Sunday groups.
11:35 - Explorers and Pathfinders return to the service
If we are sharing in the Lord's Supper, we make sure they are together with the whole church family.
12:00 - Refreshments
After the formal part of the service is over we spend time getting to know each other, building relationships and encouraging each other to follow Jesus.
Listen to our Parents Evening explaining the change we've made to have children present for more of our Sunday morning service
If you would like to help your children get to know what's going on as we gather together on Sundays, we suggest buying them "God Made Me for Worship" and reading it together.
It's a fantastic book and is available online from several good retailers.
Crawlers 0-2s
Crawlers is a supervised group for children from age 0 to 2 years old. It includes Bible teaching, songs, craft and free play. Nursing mums are very welcome. It takes places in the crèche room, just off the Church Centre.
The crèche room is open to parents for the whole of the service should you need to take your child out for any reason. Though we would always encourage you to return with them when you feel able.
Scramblers 3-4s
For children who have turned 3 until they attend school. Your little one can expect Bible teaching with crafts and songs. Scamblers meets in the Church Centre.
Explorers 5-11s
This groups is for all primary school age children. At Explorers each school year has a dedicated leader with them each week of term time. Children can expect to be taught from the Bible and for plenty of time to be spent applying it to their lives praying together.
For more information, please see the term card:

Pathfinders 11+
Sunday Pathfinders follows the sermon series and so get to learn exactly what the adults at church are learning too. One week they will go out and come back in with the other children, the next they will stay in and listen to the whole sermon with the church family before having time together at the end of service to reflect on what they've heard.
If you have any questions about the above email: